So, I’m a little frustrated. I thought we’d be further along than this by now. We went to the vet today for a consultation without Toto. I called ahead to make sure whether or not to bring her. Anyway, we (my husband and I) heard stuff we pretty much already knew. I did have a few questions that were answered and I realize the vet didn’t know I had done so much research. So now where we stand is again in “wait and see” mode. We are taking Toto back tomorrow for x-rays of her lungs and abdomen which I realize is what needs to happen, but why couldn’t they have told me to bring Toto today and do it while we were there! UGH! Anyway, that’s where we stand. We live in a small-ish town in WV so the vet did say that, dependent on the x-rays, we would have to be referred for at least one visit to VA Tech or OH State in order to plan a course of chemo treatment. Thankfully, they do the surgery here and they will administer the chemo here if that’s the course we choose again dependent upon tomorrow’s x-ray results. The vet did also say that he was pleased when he went in to do the biopsy that the bone appeared pretty healthy! I’m hanging onto that as a positive!!!
Anyone have children who have had some difficulty? I have a headstrong, intelligent 12-year-old who adores (of course) her dog. We’ve tried to keep her informed yet positive. Suggestions?
FYI – Toto seems comfortable. Someone asked if she is already limping. Well, yes she is. She’s been limping on and off since the end of April. She was treated first for a pulled/sprained muscle. Second vet visit and and x-ray showed only mild abnormality and the vet was hesitant to diagnose as cancer and treated with anti-inflammatory meds again. End of June, Toto was still limping and worse than ever. We chose to take her to a different animal hospital and they did a new x-ray and said they definitely suspected cancer and scheduled a biopsy 3 days later.
We had a different cancer, but I understand your frustration with the vet. Sometimes having too much time to think is as bad as not having enough time.
In other news, LOOK AT THAT ADORABLE FACE! I want to smoosh it and smooch it all over 🙂
_Heather & Barret
Thanks for that BEAUTIFUL photo of Toto. You can just see the sweetness ooze from that gentle mug!
The reason I mentioned the lomping earlier is, believe it or not, that’s actualy an indicator that she will do well pretty darn quicky with three legs…as she’s alredy not realy using the _spare”. Yeah’ most of us went the route of treating for arthritis, sprain, whatever first….not even thinking it could be osteo.
I live in the “other” Virginia and have very limited sources avaiable in my immediate area too. It can be so very frustrating…we all understand
For now, jist try and chunk it down–get everything in order for the amputatin…..decisions on chemo dn’t have to be made “today”. And perhaps that’s the appraoch you can take with your child.’ Just one day at a time. NO ONE knows timeframes…and Toto certainy doesn’t care! She just wantw to be loved and spoiled and get lots of belly rubs! It’s bout quaiity regardless!
Did he give yo any tramadol for her leg pain? That will help a lot.
Hang in there! I know it’s fristrating as heck but you are doing a great job as an advocate for your beautifu Toto! She’s so pretty!
Look forward to more updates!
Sally and Happy Hannah
Now go over and give her a big hug and watch her tail wag! Isn’t that a beautiful sight?
Toto you are beautiful!
We are in rural Montana so know how you feel. Luckily, our vet has a great supply of referrals and experts she calls on to provide Shooter with the very best care possible and she is very particular about everything plus listens to what I have to say and gets my questions answered no matter what. The downside is that the closest research hospital/vet school is either Colorado or Washington so don’t have availability to some things.
Remember, you are Toto’s greatest advocate and it’s OK to question what the vet says and does.Hope they can get you some reliable info soon.
In the meantime, give her lots of hugs and get lots of kisses!
Luanne and Shooter
She is definitely getting even more spoiled than usual! 🙂
I wondered about the limping myself. It’s almost as if she already isn’t using that leg…except for balance occasionally. Especially since the biopsy. She just seems happy though. She still wags her tail a bunch and gets excited to go for a walk (even as short as they are) and in a car ride (even if it’s to the vet…again).
I like the one day at a time idea. I try to do that anyway but why is it that all reason and rationale go out the window during something like this? LOL
We do have tramadol for her pain. I’m hesitant sometimes to give it to her. She seems much more herself when she doesn’t take it and she won’t eat very well when I give it to her. I’ve been reserving it for when she’s panting wildly and at night to make sure she’s resting comfortably.
I’ll update with results of the radiographs (hopefully) this evening! THANKS AGAIN! I love seeing the comments and it helps so much to hear from ones who have been there. 🙂
I know the challenges of working with a small town vet, same thing happened to us and my diagnosis was delayed many months because of it.
I applaud your vet for letting you know s/he’s going to refer out to the teaching hospitals: knowing when to seek expertise like that is the sign of a terrific vet.
Teaching hospitals are the best care you can get because they have the most knowledge and expertise. Combined with your vet, Toto will have a great team to help get through this journey.
Keep us posted on the x-rays!