Silver lining?

Back from the vet!  The x-rays show no significant metastesies!  (Never knew how to spell that word)  Nothing shows in the abdomen and very small spots in her lungs that could just be due to age!  So….off to VA Tech!  No appointment yet…they were closed today when my vet tried to call.  He will call with referral tomorrow and hopefully we’ll be on our way to Blacksburg within the next 2 weeks!  WHEW!  Some positive news in the midst of this!  🙂

Toto is happy to be home.  She was there all day!  She’s anxious but seems happy…tail still wagging and lots of nudges from her nose.  THANKS for caring!  🙂


3 thoughts on “Silver lining?”

  1. YAAAAAAY TOTO! Big sigh of relief going on over jere in tripawd land! I kow your momma let out a big exhale because we had a big wind storm in Virginia today……..and they said it started somewherei West Virginia:-) 🙂

    For now….and I kow “two weeks” seems like an eternity….enjoy every second with tht woderful Toto. He’s home with you, wagging and hapypy and that’s reason to celebrate!!

    We lke to celebrate with ice cream! How bout you and Toto??

    Now go play and just be silly with happiness:-) 🙂

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. That’s terrific news!

    You’ll both be in great hands and paws at VT, vet schools provide great (if sometimes impersonal, just a head’s up) care. Here’s to Toto kicking cancer’s butt! We have our paws crossed that you get your appointment soon (oh and the ice cream is ready for all of us too!)

  3. Thanks yet again! 🙂

    Heard from our vet yesterday who said he faxed everything to VA Tech. Now, guess what? More waiting until they call us from there. LOL Have you gathered I’m not all that patient? 🙂 Not when it comes to my loved ones. 🙂

    I’ll be certain to keep y’all updated.

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