Not much has been happening with Toto’s care and I feel I’ve neglected the “tripawd” community! But tomorrow we go to VA Tech to (hopefully) get some more definitive answers. My 12-year-old daughter has bravely opted to go with us which I think I’m more concerned about than what they’ll tell us about Toto. 🙂
I’m hoping y’all will send some positive thoughts and prayers our way as we travel and hopefully finally move forward and get some true treatment for our blessed Toto.
Gayle and Toto
All paws crossed over nere in tripawd land…..and that’s a lot of paws!
Gosh, I wish I could go be by your side while you’re down there at VT. I live up in Powhtan..rural area between Charlottesville a d Richmo d…so it’s no that close.
Yeah, this journey is all about patience, keeping things chunked down and living in tne moment like our dogs do!
“Give me patience…and hurry up! I need it now!!”
Post back as soon as you can. We’re all here for you. And post aother pnoto when you can! That first pnoto shows one andsome fella’:-)
Hugs to you all!
Sally and Happy Hannah