Two “steps” forward!!

My husband works from home several days each week.  Yesterday was one of those days.  I was cleaning and doing laundry, etc. and my daughter had a friend over and they were giggling and carrying on.  Toto is not a fan of the vacuum cleaner…or, well…any loud noises.  She never has been.  So the vacuum was going, the washer and dryer were going and the giggling was incessant.  I kept checking in on Toto who was in our bedroom and caught her out of the corner of my eye as she walked out and sat on one of our new necessary area rugs.  I greeted her and continued my vacuuming.  I turned back around and caught her again out of the corner of my eye halfway up our only flight of stairs that goes up from the main level of our house (where she has always spent the majority of her time) to the upper level where my husband’s office is and some bedrooms.  There are 16 steps and she was literally right in the middle on the 7th one!  I dropped what I was doing as I thought she was “stuck” there!  The steps are carpeted but there is hardwood at the bottom and the top and she usually (even when she had 4 legs) doesn’t even mess with the steps unless we are all upstairs playing XBox or Wii.  I met her on the steps and she was panting and obviously tired so I sat with her and petted her a while.  She then suddenly stood back up and climbed the rest of the way up!  She did slide and fall at the top, but she recovered well!  My husband, who had heard her fall, barreled out of his office and saw her sitting there panting and we both just praised her and praised her.  She then followed him into his office, had a bowl of water then jumped up on the couch in there!  What the heck was she thinking?  She spent several hours up there with him where it was quiet.  🙂  The way down was fairly uneventful as I had place rugs at the top and bottom in anticipation.  But she did it!  No one coaxed her, no one really helped her!  AMAZING!

Then…THEN…later in the day I decided to see if she wanted to go on a walk…just a block and back.  She came willingly into the front yard but didn’t want much to do with a walk.  I found a ball and decided to toss it to her.  She missed, but chased right after it! She brought it back, I grabbed it and threw it again…only about 3 feet, but she chased it again!  She then laid down and enjoyed the breeze as she always has loved to do.  She was so happy to be out and about.  A few neighbors came to greet her and even her favorite doggie pal from down the street walked by, though his owner and I thought it best to keep a safe distance at least until her stitches come out (Wally is a bit WILD!).  🙂

Good, GOOD, GOOD DAY!  She slept well last night and seems tired but still very happy today.  BIG DAY!  TotoOutside

7 thoughts on “Two “steps” forward!!”


    So, we now know part of the recovery treatment plan consists of vacuums, giggly girls, lots of noise and a ball!

    You’re finally seeng part of the “ups” of the “ups and downs” of recovery.!
    Looking forward to more UPS now Toto’ okay? But watch tose steps Missy! Okay?

    Yoj really look good in your picture standing proudy by your ball! You are soooooo pretty:-)

    Lots of hugs to all!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Ohhh these are the moments that you learn to treasure. All these little things seemed so insignificant just a few months ago didn’t they? Now that she can conquer them, it really rocks your world huh? Boy we can relate.

    Hugs to you and Toto, this is beautiful news.

  3. I am so happy for Toto and your family! These are the kind of days that we hope for. As I’ve mentioned before, since Oscar’s diagnosis I consider every day with him a gift as we all do and to have a day like Toto had is so memorable and special!
    Many blessings and many more special days!
    Lora, Gus and Oscar

  4. It made me smile to read about Toto sitting out in the breeze. Nevada’s favorite thing to do is sit outside when the sun is out with a breeze. I used to always feel guilty that she’d get skin cancer from being out in the sun so much. Obviously I’m not concerned about that anymore! She gets overheated fast so her stints outside are shortened compared to usual, but she gets to do pretty much whatever she wants these days! 🙂 Glad to read things are going well for you guys. May Toto and Nevada get many, many more days in those breezes!

    1. Thought of Nevada today! Toto was back out chasing a ball and gave up after about 3 or 4 chases and plopped down and enjoyed the breeze and the sunshine. I swear she smiles. 🙂

  5. Wow- exactly what I needed to read. our mollie is 2 1/2 weeks post surgery for back leg amputation! doing so so great but wont go up stairs. She ran up once at day 5 ; thought she was fine. we praised, we laughed, cried and went down in a.m. but never would go up again! try to coax a bit- then walk away. i am sad as we always sleep upstairs along with her! I guess we will just wait for that special day…..

    1. Awww…well, I’m no expert, but I’d say Mollie just isn’t ready. I know back legs are different from front legs, so maybe it’ll just take time. Toto has no interest in attempting the stairs again, but really never did much so it’s not a big thing for us. What I did notice is that it took much effort on her part to make that climb. I think it’ll have to be pretty enticing to make her want to do that again. 🙂 Hang in there…she’ll get there.

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